Justice League #19
Things are kicked up a gear as a mysterious figure breaks into the Batcave and steals a briefcase marked with Superman's crest on it! Meanwhile new members Atom and Firestorm get to know one another as they tour the Watchtower alone.
Johns' pacing of this issue is spot on as it moves from scene to scene making for an enjoyable easy read and a lot of satisfying bits of information help refine the Justice League's status quo like the confirmation of the Watchtower teleporter etc. but there are also little things that cause the plot to dip in quality like the Atom literally shrinking down and jumping into a LOTR style MMORPG!? The lack of possible realism is frustrating and chaffs even more when you realize 5 pages have been dedicated to what is essentially a waste of space and story.
The backup story delivers a great insight into the past of Shazam and Black Adam as Billy Batson better side sees hope in the worst of Adam. Even better is that both the main story and Shazam's begin to align with Wonderwoman and Superman take action in Kahndaq.
Reis's work n this issue is super. His style is so well suited to JL and he really delivers great renditions of all members and special guests like Red Hood.
The last page is awesome and I can't wait to see what comes next!
Score 8/10
Green Lantern New Guardians #19
Carol searches for Hal and along the way she recruits Kyle and confronts Sinestro; mad over the loss of his home.
The pencil work in this issue by Andres Guinaldo really makes this issue more captivating than events that occur as he successfully makes the raw carnage of Korugar's destruction felt but balances with playful uses of the Lanterns constructs.
Carol and Kyle are both, emotionally, over played with Carol coming off as too desperate to find Hal and Kyle who only recently became the white lantern acting infuriatingly meek. There are reasons for his condition but none help alleviate the want to give him a good slap across the face.
Also the hook fold out cover has no reason to exist in the story, the character and the shock moment is rubbish just like so many of these 'wtf' cover issues.
Score 6/10
Wolverine and the X-Men #27 AU
If you've bought this issue along with AoU #6 then read this first cause it happens in the early part of issue #6. If you haven't bought it then don't worry, this issue has no real affect (at least not immediately if at all) on the main event.
This tie-in follows Susan Storm and Logan as they go back to the day Hank Pym figured out how to build Ultron with the intention of stopping him by any means necessary! Not nearly as exciting as it sounds but still better than other tie-ins thus far, #27 AU gives readers an unusual pairing in the Invisible Woman and Wolverine but fails to cash in on the opportunity and Wolverine makes a serious mess of things in a secret S.H.I.E.L.D base which I hope has some repercussions cause it's the only thing that happened that had any real intrigue to it.
Medina does a good job of the visuals but sometimes the posing and angles on characters is a bit to much when it really doesn't need to be but thats superheroes folks.
Bottom line; this pair up had potential and didn't capitalize and it doesn't connect with the main event.
Score 6/10
Age of Ultron #6
This weeks installment of Marvels event brings the interest levels upward again after issue #5 dropped the ball. Bendis instills an air of dread and one can feel a sense of apprehension so allusive to comic books nowadays that it deserves much credit.
Much more common to comics is how the story splits in two as one group of heroes go to the future to face Ultron while Wolverine and Susan Storm go to the past to stop Ultron from ever being born! The latter story is by far the more interesting as Bendis does a better job on Sue and Logan's unpalatable situation and the weight of their decisions resonate strongly while the heroes in the future get mobbed by an endless swarm of Ultron heads with some shocking panels that entertain but have no weight to them.
I really like Pacheco's work on this issue and honestly feel that his style is better suited to the 'past' segment of the story than Hitch may have been and Jose Villarrubia's colors are perfect, he and Pacheco are so well suited. Peterson's stuff is great too. He lessens the dire look of our Heroes forms while retaining the desperation etched on their faces.
A confidence instilling installment to a thus far unnecessary pull. It certainly wants you to see what comes next.
Score 8/10
Nova #3
Another enjoyable issue in Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness but things look like they might get a damn sight more predictable as readers are shown the first threat that Sam Alexander will have to face as the new Nova. To it's credit the issue does well to so successfully give a nice captivating look at things to come (and only on #3) while at the same time entertain with Sam swapping blows with Rocket and Gamora but the balance is lessened by the incoming threat that is way too similar to Guardians of the Galaxy and way too similar to The Avengers film.
Not sure about the dialogue, the previous two issues had a way better handle on the words and voice of young teen Sam, here we get a lot of self correcting, stuttering, talking over oneself all of which is over played and unnecessary.
McGuinness's art is a joy to flick through and really brings life to what is a plain tale, in fact one has to wonder how much good this book would be so far if it was a different artist? The dialogue here really does slip sometimes either being to sparse and unnecessarily broken to being goofy and unbelievable so is the art just carrying the Characters?
I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now.
Score 7/10
Daredevil #25
What an issue!! This book just continues to thrill. The hanger on the last page of #24 even takes a nice turn that is really satisfying and the bulk of the issue is the intro and one on one bout between Daredevil's brand new villain and the main man himself. All of Aim's experiments culminate in a foe with all of DD's strengths and none of his weaknesses and still we haven't seen it all; Waid hints at a 'Master' who knows how to put fear into the Man without! Great stuff.
This issue might also be the best by Samnee yet. The panels are super; who they interconnect and move from page to page and Rodriguez's color palette is, as before, perfect for the story.
Score 9/10
The Superior Spider-Man #8
This book is another title that has been going from strength to strength in the last couple of issues and this may be the strongest yet. The avengers put their superior teammate through some head tests to see who is in the driving seat and Spidey closes in on cardiac and the neurolitic transponder.
First off; Slott's take on Earth's Mightiest is hard to swallow, sure their brightest members aren't present but Cap and Black Widow have been through so much the are bound to have picked up a few things and be super cautious when going over info. Unfortunately all Avengers present come off as incompetent. The avengers science fail aside, this issue further develops Otto as Spider-Man with some great character moments and dialogue, the interaction between Otto and Cardiac is genuine and a satisfying pairing; to peas in a science pod. Bonus!; Ghost spidey was actually a convincing part of whatever panel he was in and much better integrated into compositions instead of just looking like a photoshop ghost that talks too much.
Alot of this issues success is due to Ramos's stlyle and his page layouts are really dynamic and epic in this issue. He is very well suited to the book and it's direction.
Score 8/10